Freelance Art Direction, Brand & Graphic Design



Jeroen Pruijt

A creative with a love for photography.

Strategic Brand Design


Hi I’m Jeroen, a freelance designer, creative and photographer based in Amsterdam. I work at the intersection of art direction, graphic design and brand strategy, with experience in everything from visual identities and brand positioning to campaign ideation, design execution and more. I’m also a co-founder of bespoke eyewear brand weareannu, championing smart, sustainable design solutions with tailored user experiences.


Creative Team
Since 2019, senior copywriter Simon Harrington and I have worked closely as a creative duo. We’ve tackled projects including full brand positionings, visual identities, brand toolkits, tone of voice guides, campaign ideation and execution. We have further experience in leading creative teams and heading up in-house studios.


Selected clients
The Student Hotel, TBWA United, DAY Creative, BedTalks, The Commons, weareannu, Ivy & Liv, Bar Mash, LVMH Netherlands, ninetynine, Le Bonnet Amsterdam, Brunel Netherlands, Chateau Amsterdam + more

